april, 2020
23aprAll Day24DIGIFIND ERASMUS+ Project KA2Transnational Meeting
Event Details
We are glad to announce that Digifind third Transnational Meeting will take palce in Bielefeld on the 23-24 of April. .
Event Details
We are glad to announce that Digifind third Transnational Meeting
will take palce in Bielefeld on the 23-24 of April.
Enhance Adult Learners Digital Skills for Furniture Industry
Sep.2018 – Aug.2021 | ERASMUS + | KA2 | Strategic Partnerships | Project n. 2018-1-BG01-KA204-047923
The project aims to support adult trainers in acquiring the necessary competences for teaching digital skills to low skilled adults in Furniture Industry, in order to guarantee the future furniture sector sustainable development and to foster their employability, socio-educational and professional development.
Address the need for further training of adult trainers in order to enable them to teach digital skills
Use ICT based instruments, as a precondition for improving the digital skills of low skilled adults
Support adults in becoming more employable and socially integrated
Offer knowledge and skills on digital transformation and IoT to be initiated and acquired
Training programme for trainers on digital skills & Industry 4.0;
Educational kit on digital skills & Industry 4.0 (Training curricula; instruments and tools for providing the training);
DigiFInd platform.
april 23 (Thursday) - 24 (Friday)