may, 2020

06mayAll Day08CULT-TIPS Erasmus+Project KA2Transnational Meeting


Event Details

We are glad to announce that CULT- TIPS transnational meeting will take place in Kaunas from the 6th to the 8th of May.

Cultural heritage in primary education: innovative teaching practices

Oct. 2019 – March 2022 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2019-1-NL01-KA201-060488


The overall aim of the project is to improve the learning relationship between teachers and primary schools pupils using computational methods tools with the specific objective of teaching creative subjects and cultural heritage.
The main purpose is to help teachers understanding the importance of computational thinking and digital tools as effective and innovative teaching methods applicable to all subjects.

Furthermore the project will focus on encouraging pupils’ creativity through cultural and artistic activities, engaging them in the discovery of their country’s cultural heritage.

The project will foster teachers’ shift from traditional teaching approaches to innovative learning practices to build new educational units, making learning an increasingly active, experimental, participatory and interactive experience.


  • Improve teachers’ knowledge of computational thinking methods
    to introduce these methods in teaching humanities (art, art history and cultural heritage education in particular);
  • Provide primary school teachers with tools and guidelines to support teaching activities with interactive, experimental and participatory learning experiences (using online resources, developing digital games, etc.);
  • Provide primary education with high quality tools for teaching art and cultural heritage;
  • Raise awareness and curiosity of the importance of transmitting the value of Europe’s cultural heritage among pupils from an early age;
  • Enhance pupils’ creativity through leisure/cultural and artistic activities, mainstreaming digital competencies.


  • CULT-TIPS Pedagogical Model;
  • Online Teacher Training Programme;
  • Educational toolkit on art and cultural heritage with related recommendations and guidelines for its implementation.

under construction


may 6 (Wednesday) - 8 (Friday)

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