october, 2021
25oct(oct 25)13:0026(oct 26)12:00SECTORAL EQAVET project - 2nd Transnational meeting
Event Details
On Monday and Tuesday 25 and 26 October 2021 the partners of the Sectoral EQAVET project for design and delivery of VET will meet in Tilburg (NL) for
Event Details
On Monday and Tuesday 25 and 26 October 2021 the partners of the Sectoral EQAVET project for design and delivery of VET will meet in Tilburg (NL) for the 2nd transnational meeting. The discussion will focus on the contents of the first intellectual output: “Best practices with regards to QA- initiatives in VET with regards to adaptation of VET education to the occupational profile” which foresees the elaboration of a transnational report in which the results of interviews and best practices will be analysed and summarised in order to measure the balance between supply and demand of skills required in the world of work.
The main objective of the project is to develop guidelines and operational indicators containing good practices addressed to VET authorities, employers and VET institutions. These will enable the measurement of VET outcomes by allowing authorities to introduce accountability for evidence-based VET.
25 (Monday) 13:00 - 26 (Tuesday) 12:00
Tilburg (NL)
REVALENTOSmall and medium sized enterprise JAN PIETERSZOON COENSTRAAT 70