may, 2022

04may(may 4)9:3005(may 5)12:00Re-Fashion - Kick-off Meeting


Event Details

On 4th and 5th of May the kick-off meeting of the EU-funded project “Re-Fashion – Education for Sustainable Fashion” will take place.

Re-Fashion Project aims at helping SMEs and consumers to cope with the expected legal and market challenges in the fashion and textiles industry, by increasing their capacity and knowledge through awareness and education, also impacting on both sides of the textile sector: manufacture and consumption. Re-fashion wants to: fill a gap in the VET education dealing with sustainability knowledge and competences within the fashion and textiles sector, develop green sectorial skills and prepare learners, companies’ staff and consumers to become agents of change, by encouraging more responsible behaviours and more sustainable production and consumption patterns.


4 (Wednesday) 9:30 - 5 (Thursday) 12:00 Romania


Iași - Romania



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