Pathways for guiding employment skills for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2019 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2017-1-ES01-KA204-038393


In spite of the increase of people with disability who are working, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) people, nowadays this group still has difficulties to find a suitable job.

In this context, adult people with ASD need a special pathway with labour skills acquisition training for accessing to labour market.

On the other hand, employers, directors and Human Resources managers with the obligation to fulfil the corporate social responsibility (CSR) —which is one of the priorities of Europe in the labour field—lack the specific and basic skills required to incorporate people with ASD to hiring processes, inclusion and preservation of this people in their staff.


  • Take part in promoting the equality for people with ASD through training them in labour skills for the potential employment inclusion.
  • Contribute to create an inclusive methodology for people with ASD in the regular labour market and provide tools to involve all the actors.
  • Facilitate the best working environment for people with ASD that integrates this people and promote respect for human rights and good treatment of these people.
  • Accompany the company in the hiring of this type of worker, in their correct incorporation to a job and its sustainability through external professional tutoring. And this requires the creation of networks with local public or private organizations specialized in people with ASD who support.


To achieve these objectives, the output O3 will be developed, a set of open source resources for the labour inclusion of ASD people, carrying out the following activities:

  • Development of a guide of recommendations for companies in order to hire people with ASD and so prevent the abuse.
  • Development of a good practices guide for companies to create an adequate environment and to promote good treatment of people with ASD at work (including videos*).
  • Development of a guide to territorial networks between related community organizations in an interactive map format. The recording of the training activities will be the basis for videos* on the use of the CPT method for the conflict resolution in the educational and labour field with the ASD collective.

Regarding the methodology, it will be introduced the CPT (Cultural Pedagogical Theatre) method and its applications in educational groups and in special difficult situations. To this purpose, joint training activities will be carried out in the four partner countries (ES, BG, IT and UK).




FTF, Foro Tecnico de Formaciò – ES


UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – ES OESL, Ontrack Education Solutions Limited – UK

NAS, National Autistic Society – UK

EFFEBI Association – IT


TPT, TP Teatern – SE

AE, Autismo Espana – ES


