Imprinting Quality to entrepreneurship education

Nov.2018 – April 2021 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2018-1-PT01-KA202-047332


The overall aim of the project is to address the challenge toward the improvement of quality assurance (QA) mechanisms in Vocational Education and Training and work based learning pathways, most particularly in the field of entrepreneurship education in continuing VET.

In particular, the project wants to present to entrepreneurship education VET providers interested in quality issues a range of instruments, methods and tools they can benefit from to establish a wide culture of quality to improve entrepreneurship education offer.

Ultimately, the project aims at bringing VET providers to reflect on their quality assurance approaches in comparison to the principles and standards of the Reference Framework for European Quality Assurance in Vocational education and Training (EQAVET), and at finding out areas for further development within entrepreneurship sector.

In order to achieve that, the project will develop a methodology and tools to support and enhance quality assurance in VET institutions, in particular providers, to be applied to the specific characteristic of the entrepreneurship education.


  • raising awareness of the need of entrepreneurship education in VET providers.
  • raising awareness of the importance of an effective implementation of quality assurance system applied to the entrepreneurship education addressing both vocational education and training as well as on the job learning pathways.
  • establishing a wide culture of quality to improve entrepreneurship education offer.
  • strengthening and enhacing the training offer of VET providers within entrepreneurship education.
  • boosting VET providers of entrepreneurship education.
  • providing teachers, school-based and in-company VET trainers with high quality instruments and tools for developing a quality culture within their organizations.
  • improving and enhancing entrepreneurship educators and mentor skills and competences.
  • provide a common quality assurance framework both for training and work based learning path, considering them part of a unique dimension.
  • provide the necessary tools for transparency, making guidance and validation more user-friendly.


    1. Development of guidelines for a common framework of QA in training and work based learning path.
    2. Definition of the entrepreneurship education quality manager profile, description of the main competences and skills needed as well as design of training contents.
    3. Integration of project results on an online platform
    4. Collection of recommendations for the implementation of the whole system


Online training course for Quality Managers:


  • Applicant:
    IPN – Instituto Pedro Nunes – PT
  • Partners:
    Eurocrea Merchant S.r.l. – IT

    Idec – EL

    Stichting Business Development Friesland – NL

    Associazione Effebi/CRESfb – IT

    Lifelong Learning Platform – BE

    Civic Computing Limited – UK