
Enhancing Cyber Security – Development of trainings using “Escape Room” Model

Jan. 2022 – Jan. 2024 | Erasmus+ | KA2 | Strategic Partnership | Project n. 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000033003


Covid-19 Pandemic gave a push in digitalization Processes have been shifted into the virtual space, work was organized remotely, new business models have been created. Increasing interconnectivity generates interdependencies and vulnerabilities to possible threats.

However, the needs for Cyber Security (CS) knowledge and competences exceeds the supply, especially among non-technical/not-IT staff and VET learners.

Therefore, is becoming increasingly clear the urgency of making changes and adaptations both at the organizational and educational level.


The overall aim of the project is to spread Cyber Security culture and awareness, providing knowledge and tools to cope with CS issue.

Within the scope of the project, the partners intend to design and implement a training course, mirroring real working situations and allowing the learner to gain experiences and expertise by making choices, observing the consequences, and obtaining relevant immediate input to retain knowledge in the area of Cyber Security.


  • to improve Cyber Security skills among non-technical/not-IT staff or VET learners and foster the knowledge retention;

  • to provide the VET trainers/institutions with an approved and evaluated online training as well as learning and teaching tools in the field of Cyber Security;

  • to raise awareness among the SMEs and VET institutions for the importance of CS subject;

  • to contribute to the establishment of a Cyber Security Culture in SMEs and also the VET sector;

  • to explore and measure the effectiveness of “Escape Room” approach for educational purpose.



  • Compendium of Cyber Security Cases;
  • Scenarios “Cyber Alertness”;
  • Virtual Training Escape Room developed scenarios.




  • Applicant:
    Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) GMBH – University of Applied Science – DE
  • Partners:

    ASW – Akademie AG – DE


    Effebi Association – IT