december, 2019
11decAll DayEffebi Seminary - New organizational logics and management impacts in the 4.0 era
Event Details
New organizational logic and management impacts in the 4.0 era The new priorities for the HR departments of banks, are important issues such as employer branding, new performance management, big data,
Event Details
New organizational logic and management impacts in the 4.0 era
The new priorities for the HR departments of banks, are important issues such as employer branding, new performance management, big data, smart data, analytics, social responsibility. The new approaches therefore also infect the recruitment models of the staff that are veering towards advanced social-recruiting techniques (Linkedin talent solutions fall into this category for example) while training increasingly uses the model of “gamification” to become more usable and effective.
What will be, in a scenario of great turmoil and continuous stress, the new organizational logics and management impacts?
We will talk about it in Milan,Wednesday 11 December 2019 in a seminar organized by the Effebi Assocaizione in collaboration with UBI Banca.
8.30 Participant Registration and Welcome Coffee
9.00 Welcome Greeting
- UBI Academy and Effebi Association Opening Jobs
- Alessandra Del Boca, President UBI Academy
9.30Introductory Scenario: The Training Ecosystem: Expanding Boundaries to Redesign Organizational Development
Raoul Nacamulli, Professor at the University of Milan Bicocca
10.15 Panel 1. Rethinking the Business Organizational Model
Coordinator: Roberto Quinale Resp. Industrial Relations, Regulation and Litigation, BNL BNP Paribas and President Effebi Association
- Sonia Albano, Head of Personal Service Savings Bank of Bolzano
- Giuseppe Corni, Director R.U. BPER
- Pino Mercuri, Head of Human Resources, Agos Group Crédit Agricole
- Marco Vernieri, Chief of Human Resources Iccrea
11.45 Panel 2. Human Capital and the Future of Organizations
Coordinator: Filippo Abraham, President Federmanagement
- Cetti Galante, Ceo Intoo (Gi-Group)
- Alberto Piccolo, Head of Training Centre Deutsche Bank SpA
- Iliana Totaro, ENEL, Head of Management Development
- Andrea Tabladini, Partner KPMG Advisory
13.15 Conclusions
13.30 Closing works
All Day (Wednesday)
UBI Academy
Via F.lli Gabba 1